Median business size in Hawaii County in 2016: less than 5 employees


Median-sized businesses in Hawaii County zip codes in 2016 have less than five employees, according to County Business Patterns (CBP) statistics provided by the United States Census Bureau.

There were 4,042 total businesses in the county zip codes, with 613 retail trade businesses (15.2%) accounting for the largest proportion of these businesses. 2,078 businesses (51.4%) had fewer than five employees, and 20 (0.5%) had 250 or more.

Median-sized businesses in five counties have less than four employees.

The following table shows the median business size in all Hawaii counties.

Median business size in all Hawaii counties (2016)
CountyTotal Employees
Hawaii County1-4
Honolulu County1-4
Kalawao County1-4
Kauai County1-4
Maui County1-4