Hawaii County Kona Community Development Plan Action Committee met May 21

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Jennifer "Jenn" Kagiwada, Council Member - District 2 | Hawaii County Website

Hawaii County Kona Community Development Plan Action Committee met May 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chair Charles Young called the Kona Community Development Plan (CDP) Action Committee (AC) meeting to order at 12:12 p.m. A quorum was established with five members in attendance. This meeting was held in person at the West Hawai’i Civic Center, B2 Conference Room and online via the Zoom platform.

The full YouTube video of this meeting can be found here:



Members Present (in person): Charles Young (Chair), Nancy Pisicchio (Vice-Chair), John Pelletier, David Huerta, and Heather Korotie.

Members Present (via Zoom): Roselyn Molina

Members Absent: Gary Jaster, and Marisa Bankston.

County Staff Present (in person): Jessica Lahip and Kawelo Kalili.

County Staff Present (via Zoom): Maryam Palma.

There were approximately 7 members of the public in attendance (3 in person and 4 via Zoom).


Committee Member Heather Korotie motioned to approve the April 16, 2024 meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Committee Member John Pelletier. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Charles Young voiced his concerns about YouTube timestamped meeting minutes regarding the public not having access to YouTube. Committee Members discussed the possibility of using AI Transcription to assist with meeting minutes. [SEE YOUTUBE TIMESTAMP 4:04]


1. Kealakehe Regional Park Update- Committee member John Pelletier will provide update on Kealakehe Regional Park.

This item was called to order at 12:26 p.m. [SEE YOUTUBE TIMESTAMP 14:07 ]

Committee Member John Pelletier attended a showcase put on by Kealakehe High School. His wife held a presentation regarding the Kealakehe Regional Park. They were able to link the Park to the CDP which sparked interest from the Community. Vice Chair Nancy Pisicchio recommended the Action Committee draft a letter to request an update from the Parks and Recreation Department.

Committee Member Heather Korotie made a motion to have herself and Committee Member John Pelletier draft up a letter to the Parks and Recreation’s director asking for them to give an update regarding Old A’s and Kealakehe. The motion was seconded by Committee Member John Pelletier. The motion passed unanimously.

This item concluded at 12:42 p.m.

1. Discussion of Implementation Priorities and Community Outreach- Discussion and decision-making on the committee’s priorities and strategies on potential community action items. This may include establishing Permitted Interaction Groups.

This item was called to order at 12:43 p.m. [SEE YOUTUBE TIMESTAMP 30:10 ]

Vice Chair Nancy Pisicchio describes how Permitted Interaction Groups can be utilized within the AC for members to work together outside of the monthly AC meetings.

Committee Member Heather Korotie made a motion to have Chair Charles Young draft up a letter to the Department of Water Supply or any other partners for questions about water usage that pertain to the Kona CDP and ask them to come present to the Action Committee. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Nancy Pisicchio. The motion passed unanimously.

Sue Aronson testimony [SEE YOUTUBE TIMESTAMP 46:04 ]

Sue gave public testimony regarding the Keopu floodway. She explains that she has spoken to Director Zendo Kern and he mentioned that the County is interested in acquiring Richard Elocks 120 acres. Sue requests that the CDP create a committee or task force that she is able to assist with.

Chair Charles Young raised interest in having a town hall meeting to allow the public to attend and give comments.

Chair Charles Young made a motion to form a P.I.G. to work on the logistics for holding a town hall AC meeting regarding the issue of water. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Nancy Pisicchio. The motion passed unanimously.

The P.I.G. was formed with Chair Charles Young, Vice Chair Nancy Pisicchio, Committee Member John Pelletier and Committee Member Heather Korotie.

Keola Childs testimony [SEE YOUTUBE TIMESTAMP 1:04:06 ]

Keola gave public testimony regarding shifting priority to desirable development. Focus all of our County supported infrastructure and development, focus it on facilitating intensive friendly, desirable development in this area instead of the CDP’s 200-year plan. Of 14 nodes stretched between Keauhou and Palamanui above the airport.

Committee Member John Pelletier questioned whether the County has a adopt a park program.

Chair Charles Young made a motion to allow Committee Member Heather Korotie to reach out to Keola Childs and the Transportation planner to discuss the proposed road project. The motion was seconded by Committee Member David Huerta. The motion passed unanimously.

This item concluded at 2:14 p.m.

AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING [SEE YOUTUBE TIME STAMP ] The following agenda items were proposed for the next Kona CDP Action Committee meeting. 1. Kealakehe Regional Park Update by Parks and Recreation

2. Letter to DWS

3. Letter to Parks and Recreation




Committee Member John Pelletier motioned to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chair Nancy Pisicchio seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously [SEE YOUTUBE STAMP 2:07:22]

The meeting was adjourned at 2:19 p.m.

