Hawaii congressman: 'We can unlock federal funds to support existing local plans for Ka'ena Point'

Kaena point
Ka'ena Point is the westernmost tip of land on the island of Oahu and has been designated as a Natural Area Reserve. | Wikimedia Commons/Wrathernaut

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill initiated by Rep. Ed Case (D-HI) that advances the possible designation of Ka'ena Point as a National Heritage Area (NHA).

“The state of Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) has already created a management plan for the Ka'ena Point Stewardship Area to protect one of the last few remaining and easily accessible wilderness areas on Oahu," Case said, according to his website. "With an NHA designation, we can unlock federal funds to support existing local plans for Ka'ena Point.”

NHAs are eligible to receive federal funding to help local communities manage resources. While there are NHAs in 34 states, there are none in Hawaii. This bill mainly focuses on the undeveloped area of Ka'ena Point, according to Case.

“Our bill directs the U.S. Department of the Interior to evaluate whether Ka'ena Point, a treasured wilderness area on otherwise densely populated Oahu, should be designated as an NHA,” Case said, according to his website. "The three-year study would confirm whether Ka'ena Point holds valuable resources that reflect our country’s heritage and are worthy of conservation and recognition. I am certain it will, with a future designation for Ka'ena Point offering critical support to the local community in Hawaii to conserve the area for present and future use.”

According to Hawaiian tradition, Ka'ena Point is the site of the last intact sand dune ecosystem in Hawaii. 

It is said to be named after a sibling of the Hawaiian goddess Pele and it includes an important cultural site that is reportedly where the souls of the deceased leapt into the next plane of existence.