The record level of funding was made possible by the signing of HB 1800 (Act 230, Session Laws of Hawaiʻi (SLH) 2024), the supplemental budget bill for fiscal year 2025.
Through Act 230, SLH 2024, state general fund appropriations will increase from $6.2 million to $9.2 million. This substantial increase in general fund appropriations for biosecurity initiatives reflects the importance of protecting Hawaiʻi’s agricultural and horticultural resources.
Biosecurity measures led by HDOA will further the safety of Hawaiʻi’s agricultural, environmental, and ecological systems. The measure is supplemented by HB 2619 (Act 231, SLH 2024), which had already been signed by Governor Green before Act 231’s enactment.
Act 231, SLH 2024, provides $10 million for targeted biosecurity initiatives on invasive species control for various species. To bolster the department’s efforts, an additional $670,485 has been appropriated for hiring positions such as plant quarantine inspectors, entomologists, plant pathologists, planners, environmental health specialists, noxious weed specialists and other support staff.
With the enactment of these key appropriations and mandates, the Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture’s general funds for biosecurity initiatives and invasive species mitigation measures have more than tripled to $19.2 million since fiscal year 2023. This significant financial boost equips the HDOA with substantial resources to protect Hawai‘i’s natural resources and agricultural sectors.
This unprecedented funding will bolster Hawai‘i’s biosecurity infrastructure, enabling the HDOA to implement comprehensive measures to prevent, detect and respond to invasive species threats more effectively. Key areas of appropriation include:
HDOA Chair Sharon Hurd acknowledged the record level of support stating: “This historic investment in biosecurity and invasive species programs will significantly enhance our ability to protect Hawai‘i’s unique ecosystems and vital agricultural resources. We are deeply thankful to Governor Green and the Legislature for their commitment to this important issue.”
The funding level ensures that the department will have the capacity to execute efforts critical to Hawaiʻi’s environment and natural resource preservation.
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Media Contact:
Janelle Saneishi
Public Information Officer
Hawaiʻi Department of Agriculture
[email protected]
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