Hawaiian Telcom's cable franchises approved for Maui, Kaua'i, Hawai'i counties

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Governor Josh Green | Governor of Hawaii

The state of Hawai‘i Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Cable Television Division (CATV) has approved Hawaiian Telcom’s (HTSC) cable franchise applications for the Counties of Maui, Kaua‘i, and Hawai‘i.

The franchise approvals were executed in Decision & Order No. 383, 384, and 385, which outline the conditions and requirements associated with the new franchises. These orders authorize the expansion of Hawaiian Telcom cable services and the development and improvement of HTSC’s video and communication infrastructure networks throughout the neighbor islands.

The orders grant HTSC the right to use public rights of way to deliver cable services to consumers. In return, HTSC is obligated to utilize digital technology to offer a diverse array of programming and services to the public. HTSC will expand its cable service coverage across the Counties of Maui, Kaua‘i, and Hawaiʻi as its network infrastructures are rolled out. These new markets will introduce competition in cable services, giving consumers more options when choosing their cable service provider and encouraging providers to offer affordable, reliable, and diversified broadcasts. HTSC also plans to offer service packages that include cable service along with other communication services.

Through the 15-year franchise term, HTSC is required to submit technology upgrade plans every five years for DCCA approval. These plans may result in amendments and modifications to the franchise conditions.

The decision comes after a comprehensive review process that began with HTSC’s application submissions late last year followed by public hearings on Maui, Kaua‘i, and Hawai‘i counties in February and March 2024. During these hearings, community members had the opportunity to provide testimony and feedback on HTSC’s applications, which were carefully considered by the DCCA.

“After a thorough evaluation of public testimonies, the submitted applications and all related filings,” said Nadine Ando, director of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs. “DCCA has concluded that granting Hawaiian Telecom’s request to extend its cable franchise to the neighbor islands is in the public’s best interest.” She added that “this expansion will not only improve video and communication infrastructure throughout Hawai‘i but will also address the needs of underserved communities across the state by increasing access to communications services.”